
考利茨 PUD’s 净计量 program offers a special metering and billing arrangement between you and the PUD by interconnecting your small generation system with the PUD’s electric distribution system through your electric meter.

  • Qualified customer-generating systems may include fuel cells or facilities that 使用 a fuel to generate up to 100 kilowatts (kW) of electricity with the following methods:
    • 太阳能
    • 从动物粪便中提取沼气

For more information about 净计量 and 考利茨 PUD’s Interconnection Standards, please contact our Engineering Department at (360) 501-9546 by 给我们发邮件. For information regarding the State incentive payments program, please contact our 能源效率 Services Department at (360) 501‐9392 or 通过电子邮件.


  • 也许有那么几次, when your own small generation system produces more electricity than you need, 供自己使用. 在这些时候, 与PUD批准的互连到位, this excess electricity will be transmitted into the electric grid.
  • 在到达PUD配电线路之前, the excess electricity you produce will first pass through your electric meter.
  • The meter will record the flow of the electricity that your system produces, which offsets prior electric usage the meter has recorded and reduces your PUD bill.


With the safety of its customers and employees in mind, 考利茨 PUD has joined with other electric utilities in the state to develop standards for interconnection to electric utility delivery systems for up to 100 kW. These standards have been developed by a statewide group of utility representatives in an effort to establish uniform standards.

Before your small generation system can be connected to our distribution system, the requirements of 考利茨 PUD’s Interconnection Standards Policy must be met.


根据净计量安排, the PUD will continue to read your meter and you will receive electric bills on your normal monthly billing schedule. If you 使用 more energy than you generate in a given billing cycle, 你将成为一个“净消费者”,” and the net consumption would appear as a charge on your current bill.

For customers with more than one metered service within the PUD’s service territory, 计聚合, 根据州法律, would be applied to the net energy 使用 for all meters regardless of the rate class.

If you generate more electricity than you 使用 in a given month, 你将按月收取基本费用, 适用于您的房价表, and the excess kilowatt‐hours will be credited toward your next bill.

由州法律规定, 每年3月31日, any kilowatt‐hour generating credit accumulated over the previous 12 months will be zeroed out without additional compensation paid to the customer‐generator.


考利茨 PUD charges a $100 non‐refundable application fee. There may be additional costs for, but not limited to, transformers, meters, and utility testing. These costs will be estimated for you during the application re视图 process.


For the latest information about financial incentive programs, refer to the 可再生能源系统激励计划 由华盛顿州提供.





太阳系越来越受欢迎. With a PV (photovoltaic) system, PUD customers can generate their own clean, renewable energy.

太阳能在朝南的屋顶上效果最好, though east or west oriented low-slope roofs may be suitable as well. There should be little or no shading from trees, buildings, chimneys, or roof gables. 还记得, locations with no shading in winter may be shaded by spring and summer foliage, 小树也会长大!

使用太阳能是一个重大的决定. As with any major purchase, get multiple bids for your solar system project. 你会发现市场竞争非常激烈, with multiple solar companies competing for your business. Make sure you’re comparing apples to apples by closely reading the terms from different contractors. Click on the “了解更多” button below to link to how to protect yourself from solar scams and high pressure sales.

To calculate your simple payback for a solar project you are contemplating, download our 太阳能回报计算器工具 (MS Excel电子表格). Contact Jen Langdon (360-501-9392) with any questions.

考利茨 PUD不安装太阳能发电系统, 然而, 你可以在下面找到太阳能承包商的名单. This courtesy list isn’t an endorsement or recommendation, 只是一个让你开始你的研究的地方.

如果您点击下面的“WASEIA会员”按钮, you will be linked to a list of current members of the Washington 太阳能 Industries Association, 太阳能承包商的另一个来源.

  • 太阳能设备免征财产税.
  • Installing a solar system increases the value of your home without increasing your property taxes.
  • The environmental benefits of renewable energy are immediate and long-term.
  • It encourages sustainable 使用 of our natural resources for future generations.


No incentives are currently available through 考利茨 PUD for solar systems.

However, to learn about residential federal tax credits, 视图 the Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics 十大正规网投排名商业联邦税收抵免,请查看 Guide to the Federal Investment Tax Credit for Commercial Solar Photovoltaics.

To learn about Washington State sales tax exemption from the Washington State Department of Revenue, 视图 销售和 使用 tax exemption on purchases and installation of solar energy systems.
